Mobile Apps & Games: Gomo Sapiens

Gomo Sapiens worked with us to build a paid experience on mobile called Tower Maze Defense. With our deep knowledge of advertising on iOS and Android, we were able to get customers for as low as 1.2 USD per download.

Gomo sapiens games

Gomo Sapiens is a brand owned by Build Test Repeat that builds games and apps. Tower MazeDefense was built in 2021. The goal was to provide a paid experience to players. We advertisethe game on social media, and try to make more money than we spent on advertising. This is agood example of what we do and we have built other apps in the dating industry, retail industry,and productivity apps.

iOS 14 understanding of marketing - and the future of advertising

Privacy forward companies are changing how advertising is traditionally done. The market ismoving towards aggregated data sharing. That means that your ad network (Google, Meta..etc)only receives the overall number of conversions instead of individual conversions. Apple startedthis trend to support user anonymity. For example, If an ad has 10,000 views, Apple will reportthe overall success of the conversions of these 10,000 views, like “5 converted”. Depending onthe scale of the views and conversions, Apple will share more and more details about theseconversions with your ad network which allows you to refine your targeting while keeping usersanonymous.

To even start receiving any conversions data, you will need to hit a threshold of enoughconversions (about 100 a day). This leads to higher cost in advertising and more complextechnology to build your ad stack. We have used Kochava Mobile Measurement Partner, andare soon migrating to Google Analytics MMP.

GDPR in Europe opts out the users by default of any advertising. That also leads to higher costto get the right measurements from your advertising. We have great knowledge of one of thefirst consumer privacy laws which was established in California (the CCPA) and therefore havegood insight of what’s to come in the US at the federal level.

Strategy recommendations - broader markets

In order to make a product viable, we recommend broader markets to start advertising with. Ifyou have a nice product, then other marketing techniques like SEO will work better. Having abroader market will reduce the cost of your clicks, and give you more volume to have a betterunderstanding of your aggregated results. On the other hand, if you advertise in a niche marketwe recommend sticking to web advertising.

Building the right experience

Users for most apps have extremely high expectations of the end product. Not only in designbut also in features. We often recommend using webapps instead of mobile apps with crossplatform technologies like React so the transition to React-native wouldn’t be too hard.

Mobile Games still have tremendous potential. They are mass market, anyone can play todayand they are still growing. They advertise easily because they are so visual. So we are workingon expanding our mobile gaming branch. But we are open to other apps as well that have abroad market.

Dating apps for instance would need a full suite of features to satisfy the level of expectationsfrom users who have used dating apps for over a decade. Reviews on mobile are everything, sothe experience needs to be top-notch.

The right experience and the right market = success

Overall, because of Apple's new privacy-forward advertising and privacy laws, it’s becomingharder and harder to build a viable mobile experience. If you have a mobile idea, we candefinitely consult and let you know our thoughts. We can easily determine the right level offeatures you’ll need to be on par with the market, and tell you how easy it will be to advertise.Usually, we recommend people to build apps if they have done it before. But like everythingthere can be exceptions.

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